Lisa Müller-Trede

I am a creative technologist, performance artist, filmmaker, and scholar investigating nonverbal communication and kinaesthetic perception as it plays out between bodies during their co-creation. I am interested in the performative dimension of virtuality and the virtual in the live event, and my work focuses on the body as it enacts difference in its live and computed state.

I have performed and exhibited works at the Venice Biennale, Tanz im August Berlin, Artist Weekend NGORONGORO Berlin, Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts Los Angeles, Independent Art Fair New York, Frieze London, Performing Arts Festival Berlin, and The International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) among others, and published in journals, such as Cambridge University Press The Drama Review (TDR), Culture Machine, and Techniques Journal.

Currently I am a PhD candidate and Annenberg Fellow in the Department of Media Arts and Practice at the School of Cinematic Arts of the University of Southern California. I studied Communication Science at the University of Vienna, Drama at the Conservatory in Vienna, and completed an MA in the program Solo|Dance|Authorship at the University of the Arts Berlin.